Rules and Guidelines

Welcome to Ragnavik, a realm of adventure, exploration, and camaraderie! As you prepare to join our community and embark on your saga, we kindly ask that you familiarize yourself with the following rules and guidelines. These are in place to ensure a respectful, enjoyable, and fair experience for all adventurers.

Community Conduct

  1. Respect Everyone: Treat all players with respect. Harassment, discrimination, or any form of abuse will not be tolerated.
  2. No Griefing: Do not destroy, damage, or deface another player's property. Respect the time and effort everyone puts into their gameplay.
  3. Keep Chat Clean: Avoid using offensive language, spamming, or engaging in toxic behavior. Let's maintain a positive environment for everyone.


  1. Fair Play: Use of exploits, cheats, or any third-party software that gives you an unfair advantage is strictly prohibited.
  2. PvP Etiquette: PvP is allowed if both parties agree. Do not engage in PvP without consent from the other player(s).
  3. Resource Sharing: Hoarding community resources or blocking access to essential areas and materials is not permitted. Share and collaborate to ensure a prosperous community.

Building and Land Use

  1. Community Spaces: Do not build too close to community areas or other players' structures without permission. Give your neighbors room to expand.
  2. Environmental Preservation: Avoid excessive terraforming that significantly alters the landscape. Let's preserve the natural beauty of Valheim.
  3. Structure Removal: Abandoned or incomplete structures that clutter the server may be removed by the admin team to keep the world clean and navigable.

Server Maintenance

  1. Downtime and Updates: The server may occasionally be down for maintenance or updates. We strive to minimize downtime and will communicate any planned outages in advance.
  2. Data Loss: While we take every precaution to protect server data, we cannot guarantee against data loss. Please report any issues promptly to help us address them.


  1. Stay Informed: Join our discord to stay updated on server news, events, and discussions.
  2. Feedback and Suggestions: We welcome your input to improve Ragnavik. Share your ideas and feedback with the admin team or through our community channels.


  • Violations: Failure to adhere to these rules may result in warnings, temporary bans, or permanent bans, depending on the severity of the violation.
  • Disputes: If you disagree with an action taken against you or witness rule-breaking behavior, please contact an admin to discuss the matter privately.

Final Note

Ragnavik is more than just a server; it's a community of players united by a love for Valheim and a shared spirit of adventure. By following these guidelines, you help create a welcoming and enjoyable environment for everyone. Thank you for being a part of our community. Let the sagas of Ragnavik be filled with tales of bravery, friendship, and glory!